The Clear Spring School
It's not to late to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year!
Block 3 Starts Jan 6th,
Schedule you tour today.
(479) 253-7888.
Tuition Assistance and Scholarships Available
A Letter From the Head of School
I am honored that you are considering Clear Spring School for your child’s education. It is one of the most important decisions you can make, and we are aware of the responsibility this entails. At CSS, we are a family that camps, travels, builds and learns together. We also offer internships and independent study for the students in the upper grades, all in addition to academics that teach to the whole child.
At Clear Spring we practice experiential learning, based on the work of John Dewey and progressive education theory. This means we recognize that children come to us with innate interests, abilities, and unique personalities. It is our job to provide a rich environment that provokes, instigates and develops a love of learning and an understanding of self.
As a former teacher here at CSS and a global educator and researcher, I can tell you that what we do here is special and important. While I have traveled, taught and researched, I discovered a desire from other educators to replicate the kind of caring environment that nurtures the mind and spirit of our children. That has been central to the philosophy of Clear Spring School since its inception 50 years ago. In the current era of social media and technological saturation, many schools have not adapted to the needed changes in social-emotional development and critical thinking skills. I have returned to Clear Spring School to help grow our knowledge and share with the larger educational community how to do what we do!
Our graduates enter the world with more than knowledge. They have reflected on their role in society and enter as active participants. Some of our alumni have traveled the world, others have stayed close to home. They include research scientists, medical doctors, architects, professors, teachers, musicians, dancers, chefs, artists, computer programmers, film-makers, veterinarians, organic farmers, and many university and college scholarship recipients. We recognize that there are many paths to success, and that a happy and fulfilled life are essential ingredients.
I hope you will take some time to look through these introductory materials, and I invite you to call and arrange a personal meeting and campus tour. We look forward to meeting you and your family!
Jessica FitzPatrick, PhD
Head of School
STEP 1: Your First Visit
The Clear Spring School Admissions process is the first step in a learning experience that will last a lifetime. You are invited to call the school to set up an appointment. An Administrative staff member will tour you through the campus, introduce you and your child to teachers and answer any questions you might have.
As part of the meeting with Clear Springs staff there will be discussion about your child’s learning styles, strengths and concerns, your expectations as a parent, and how the Clear Spring School learning environment will work with our child.
To Schedule a Visit:
Send us an email
Call us
or complete the contact form on the website
STEP 2: The Application
Parents are invited to fill out and submit a completed interest form. The form has a few additional requirements as follows:
Students applying for the middle school and high school must complete their own part of the Middle/High School enrollment form.
Students entering K-12 are asked to visit Clear Spring School for a day during the application process to meet other students, teachers and staff (if school is in session).
Pre-primary students should visit for a half-day (if school is in session).
A non-refundable application fee and a signed release form requesting any pertinent records from your child’s previous school should accompany the form. All information is kept completely confidential.
STEP 3: The Acceptance Process
After we have reviewed all information, an enrollment decision is made. An Admissions meeting is then scheduled with parents to discuss potential enrollment. The enrollment agreement includes details on tuition, goals and other pertinent information. The enrollment agreement and promissory note must be signed within 10 days of this meeting and returned to the school, along with the non-refundable enrollment fees.
Parents, Head of School, teachers, and child (when appropriate) are part of the decision making process. The Head of School has final say in all admissions decisions. All students who are new to the school are enrolled with a 90-day trial period that allows the new family and the school time to determine if Clear Spring School best meets the needs of the student.
Acceptance Criteria
Academic readiness or qualification
Affiliation with the school
Diversity and gender balance
Appropriateness of the match between family and school
Students willingness to accept and have tolerance for others
STEP 4: Tuition & Fees 24-25
Tuition and Fees vary by grade, number of children attending, and financial aid. You will be given a tuition breakdown during your first visit. Tuition rates below are for the full school year and do not include fees or scholarships. The rates below are the true cost per student at which it costs the school to run. *Optional tuition assistance is available to all families who request it.
Pre-Primary: Please call for current monthly rates.
Kindergarten: $9,000
Grades 1st-8th: $10,000 (Optional tuition assistance up to $4,000)
Grades 9th-12th: $10,500 (Optional tuition assistance up to $4,000)
Scholarships are available based on Financial Need. In addition, Clear Spring School is currently accepting funds through the Arkansas LEARNS Act. Eligible students include kindergarten, 1st grade, and any student qualifying for special services. LEARNS Act will provide up to $6856 in tuition and fees. Contact the office with questions regarding tuition, 479.253.7888
STEP 5: Tuition Payment & Aid
Tuition at Clear Spring can be paid in a number of ways. You may pay in full at the time of registration or you may break the payments across the school year. We accept, cash, check (and ACH), credit card and Venmo/Paypal.
Financial assistance is available to qualified families. Applications are available on request. Assistance is based on need and availability of funds.